Budget Defense

We create only high-tech and high-quality solutions

Fostering Budget Certainty

Budget Defense is designed to identify and mitigate risk associated with incremental losses due to “everyday” weather conditions within your revenue and expenses.

Budget Defense is a unique online solution that includes a historical analysis of selected weather effects on expenses, revenues, or volumes, and creates a customized weather risk portfolio that triggers payouts from weather-related losses. With this solution, Wx Risk Global provides a method of identifying weather risk based on user-submitted financial data, a customized portfolio that mitigates the identified risk, and the ability to further monitor the portfolio’s performance at a fraction of the cost.

By utilizing the Budget Defense solution, you are provided:

  • Revenue Protection by including derivative structures that act as complementary revenue stream as weather becomes increasingly unfavorable to your primary line of business
  • Expense Control by including structures that are meant to incrementally supplement excessive expenses due to increasingly adverse weather.
  • Budget Certainty which comes in consequence to the previous two benefits, and ultimately results in a significantly less volatile budget. This constant allows for budget dollars to be allocated more efficiently and effectively, and eventually lead to business growth.
  • Greater Business Intelligence is developed with more data inputted into this solution. So, as your company continues to generate financial data and the weather continues to change from day to day, your customized Budget Defense solution will also further its development toward better identifying and mitigating your weather risk.

Want more information? Our professionals are ready to assist you!